Form | Dial. | Form ID | POS | Attestation | |||
ⲣⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ | S | CF6088 | Vb. Kompositverb | ![]() |
Scriptorium tag: V
1. | (En) | think, esteem |
(Fr) | estimer, regarder comme | |
(De) | einschätzen, ansehen als | |
Bibliography: CD 200b? |
cf. ⲉⲓⲣⲉ act; become, befall; do
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
- ⲁϥⲥⲙⲟⲩ ⲉⲣⲟϥ . ⲁϥⲡⲟϣϥ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ϫⲉⲡⲁⲓ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲁⲥⲱⲙⲁ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲛⲁⲧⲁⲁϥ ϩⲁⲣⲱⲧⲛ ⲁⲣⲓⲡⲁⲓ ⲉⲡⲁⲣⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ . When he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, 'Take, eat. This is my body, which is broken for you. Do this in memory of me.' 1 Corinthians 11 (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.sahidica_ed:11)ϩⲟⲣⲓⲟⲛ ⲇⲉ ⲡⲕⲟⲩⲣⲥⲱⲛ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ⲛⲁⲡⲁ ⲃⲓⲕⲧⲱⲣ · ϫⲉⲡⲁϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲙⲡⲣⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ⲉⲣⲟⲓ ϩⲙⲡⲉⲕϩⲏⲧ ϩⲱⲥ ϫⲉⲉⲓⲛⲁ ⲛⲧⲟⲟⲧ ⲉϫⲙⲡⲁϣⲃⲏⲣ ⲙⲁⲧⲟⲓ · And Horion the Kourson said unto Apa Victor, 'My lord, do not think in they heart concerning me that I would lift up my hand against my brother soldier. Martyrdom of Victor part 8 (urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:86-90)ⲙⲡⲣⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ϭⲉ ϫⲉϯⲛⲁⲣϩⲟⲧⲉ ϩⲏⲧⲧⲏⲩⲧⲛ ⲛⲧⲁⲡⲉⲓⲑⲉ ⲙⲙⲱⲧⲛ · ⲛⲧⲁϫⲱϩⲙ ⲛⲧⲁⲙⲛⲧϩⲁⲕ · Think not that I am afraid of you, and that I shall be persuaded by you [to do your will], 'and that I shall pollute my chastity. On Susanna (urn:cts:copticLit:pschrysostom.susanna.budge:1-63)
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See also:ⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ⲙⲉⲉⲩ, ... thinkⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ (ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲉ-) ⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ think, design againstⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ (ⲉⲃⲟⲗ) ⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ think upon, considerⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ⲙⲉⲩⲓ thought, mindⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ⲛϩⲏⲧ – thought, mindⲙⲛⲧⲁⲧⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ – absence of thoughtⲣⲉϥⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ – one who thinksϯⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ ϯ ⲙⲡⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ cause thought, suggest, remindⲣⲡⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ – have mind of, rememberⲣⲡⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ – remembrance, commemorationϣⲉⲛⲉⲣⲫⲙⲉⲩⲓ – remembranceϫⲓⲛⲉⲣⲫⲙⲉⲩⲓ – remembrancePlease cite as: TLA lemma no. C2186 (ⲣⲙⲉⲉⲩⲉ), in: Coptic Dictionary Online, ed. by the Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance (KELLIA), (accessed yyyy-mm-dd).Found a bug or a problem? Please report it at: