FormDial.Form IDPOS Attestation
ϣⲟⲟⲡS(from Coptic Scriptorium)
ϣⲱⲡⲓB(from Coptic Scriptorium)
ϣⲟⲡB(from Coptic Scriptorium)
Scriptorium tag: V
 1. (En) become, befall, be, exist
(Fr) naissance, avoir lieu, être, exister
(De) werden, geschehen, sein, existieren
Bibliography: CD 577b-580b?; CED 249?; KoptHWb 322?; DELC 268b?; ChLCS 80a?
Descended from Demotic ḫpr, Hieroglyphic Egyptian ḫpr create; arise; see TLA: [Demotic] [Hieroglyphic Egyptian]
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
  • ⲉⲧⲃⲉ ⲭⲣⲏⲙⲁ ϩⲁⲙⲟⲓ ⲛⲧⲟⲟⲩⲛ · ⲉⲛⲉⲙⲡⲉ ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲃ ϣⲱⲡⲉ For money, oh would that gold did not exist! I See Your Eagerness: GL 29-30 (urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_29_30)
  • ⲛⲅϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲉⲕϫⲟⲕⲣ ϩⲙⲡⲉϩⲙⲟⲩ ⲙⲡⲉⲭⲣⲓⲥⲧⲟⲥ · ⲻ And you will become seasoned in the salt of Christ.' Apophthegmata Patrum Sahidic 129: N 331 (urn:cts:copticLit:ap.129.monbeg)
  • ⲡⲉⲛⲧⲁϥⲁⲁⲧ ⲛϣⲙⲙⲟ ⲉⲧⲙⲁⲛⲓⲁ ⲉⲧϩⲟⲟⲩ · ⲧⲁⲓ ⲉⲧϣⲟⲟⲡ ϩⲛⲧⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲉⲁϥⲧⲣⲁⲟⲩⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲙⲡⲙⲟⲩ ⲉⲧⲥⲁϣⲉ · Thou it was Who didst make me to become a stranger to the madness of evil which ariseth in the flesh, and didst make me to be remote from the death which is bitter. Dormition of John MERC.AD in Budge ed. (urn:cts:copticLit:misc.dormition_john.budge)

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  • ⲕⲁⲓ ⲟⲩⲁⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲟⲛ ⲉⲡⲉϥⲣⲁⲛ ⲡⲉ ⲓⲁⲛⲛⲏ ⲫⲁⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲟⲩⲅⲉⲛⲟⲥ ⲉⲧϭⲟⲥⲓ ⲡⲉ ⲉϥⲟⲓ ⲛϣⲏⲣⲓ ⲙⲫⲏ ⲉⲑⲟⲩⲁⲃ ⲛⲉⲟⲩⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲡⲉ ϧⲉⲛⲧϩⲁⲓⲣⲉⲥⲓⲥ ⲛⲛⲓⲁⲧⲥⲙⲟⲩ ⲛⲁⲓ ⲉⲧϫⲱ ⲙⲙⲟⲥ ϫⲉⲓⲥϫⲉⲛ ⲡⲓϩⲁⲅⲓⲟⲥ ⲇⲓⲟⲥⲕⲟⲣⲟⲥ ⲙⲡⲉⲁⲣⲭⲓⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ ϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲉϫⲱⲟⲩ ϧⲉⲛⲫⲁⲓ ⲁⲩⲡⲱⲣϫ ⲥⲁⲃⲟⲗ ⲛⲛⲓⲉⲕⲕⲗⲏⲥⲓⲁ ⲁⲩϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲛϩⲁⲓⲣⲉⲧⲓⲕⲟⲥ . And another whose name was Ianni, who came from a high family and became the son of the saint, and belonged to the heresy of the accursed ones who say that, since the time of the holy Dioscorus, there has been no patriarch for them: in this they have divided the churches and become heretics. Life of Isaac of Alexandria - part 1 (urn:cts:copticLit:lives.boh_isaac.amelineau_ed:1-19)
  • ϣⲁⲛ ⲧⲉⲧⲉⲛⲉⲙⲓ ⲁⲛ ϫⲉⲫⲏ ⲉⲧⲧⲱⲙⲓ ⲙⲙⲟϥ ⲉϯⲡⲟⲣⲛⲏ ⲟⲩⲥⲱⲙⲁ ⲛⲟⲩⲱⲧ ⲡⲉ ⲉⲩⲉϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ⲙⲡⲃ ⲉⲩⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲛⲟⲩⲱⲧ . Or don't you know that he who is joined to a prostitute is one body? For, 'The two,' says he, 'will become one flesh.' Bohairic 1 Corinthians 6 (Digital Edition) (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:6)
  • ⲁⲥϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲙⲡⲓⲥⲏⲟⲩ ⲉⲧⲉⲙⲙⲁⲩ ⲁⲡⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲛϯⲙⲁⲕⲟⲩⲣⲓⲁ ⲟⲩⲱⲣⲡ ⲛϩⲁⲛⲣⲉⲙⲛϩⲱⲃ ⲛⲧⲁϥ ⲙⲡⲓⲁⲣⲭⲓⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ ⲛⲉⲙϩⲁⲛⲥϧⲁⲓ ⲉϥⲧⲁⲙⲟ ⲙⲙⲟϥ ⲉⲡⲓⲣⲏϯ ⲉⲧⲁⲩⲉⲣⲕⲟⲩϫⲓ ⲛϫⲉⲛⲓⲉⲛⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ ⲛⲧⲉϯⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲉⲑⲃⲉⲡⲱⲥⲕ ⲙⲡⲓⲙⲱⲓⲧ ⲙⲙⲟϣⲓ ⲛⲉⲙⲡⲓⲭⲣⲟⲛⲟⲥ ⲉⲑⲃⲉϫⲉⲛⲁⲩϣϫⲉⲙϫⲟⲙ ⲁⲛ ⲡⲉ ⲉⲥⲓⲛⲓ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲓⲧⲉⲛⲡⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲛϯⲙⲁⲩⲣⲱⲧⲁⲛⲓⲁ ϣⲁⲧⲉϥⲉⲣϩⲉⲓⲣⲏⲛⲏ ⲛⲉⲙⲁϥ ⲉⲡⲉⲓⲇⲏ ⲟⲩⲟⲛ ⲃ ⲛⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲑⲏϣ ⲉⲛⲓⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲉⲧⲉⲙⲙⲁⲩ ⲡⲓⲃ ϩⲁⲛⲭⲣⲓⲥⲧⲓⲁⲛⲟⲥ ⲛⲉ ⲁⲗⲗⲁ ⲥⲉⲟⲓ ⲛϩⲉⲓⲣⲏⲛⲏ ⲛⲉⲛⲛⲟⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ⲁⲛ ⲉⲡⲉⲓⲇⲏ ⲡⲓⲟⲩⲁⲓ ⲙⲙⲱⲟⲩ ⲛⲁⲣⲉⲟⲩϩⲉⲓⲣⲏⲛⲏ ϣⲟⲡ ⲛⲁϥ ⲡⲉ ⲛⲉⲙⲡⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲛⲛⲓⲥⲁⲣⲣⲁⲕⲏⲛⲟⲥ ⲉⲧⲉⲡⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲛϯⲙⲁⲩⲣⲱⲧⲁⲛⲓⲁ ⲡⲉ ⲡⲓⲭⲉⲧ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲧⲉⲫⲁⲛⲓϣϯ ⲛⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲡⲉ ⲉⲧⲉϯⲙⲁⲕⲟⲩⲣⲓⲁ ⲡⲉ ⲛⲁϥⲟⲓ ⲛϩⲉⲓⲣⲏⲛⲏ ⲟⲛ ⲛⲉⲙⲡⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⲛⲛⲓⲥⲁⲣⲣⲁⲕⲏⲛⲟⲥ . It happened at that time that the king of Makouria sent some of his servants to the archbishop with letters, announcing to him how the bishops of his country had become few in number because of the length of the journey and the time it took on the way, because one could not pass because of the king of Maurotania, until peace had been made with him. For there were two kings established over that country and both were Christians; but they were not at peace with each other, because one of them had made peace with the king of the Saracens, that was the king of Maurotania; but the other, the king of Makuria, had not made peace with the king of the Saracens. Life of Isaac of Alexandria - part 3 (urn:cts:copticLit:lives.boh_isaac.amelineau_ed:42-48)

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Please cite as: TLA lemma no. C5995 (ϣⲱⲡⲉ), in: Coptic Dictionary Online, ed. by the Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance (KELLIA), (accessed yyyy-mm-dd).
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