You searched definitions matching c in language any
4 Results
  1. church, assembly (general, or specific sense unclear)
  2. congregation, assembly (on earth)
  3. congregation, assembly (on earth; inverted attributive, nominal referent)
  4. Church (abstract, universal community of worshippers; "The Church" with a capital "C")
  5. Church (Denomination) (often plural, but need not be)
  6. Church (abstract, universal community of Manichaeans)
  7. church (a particular community of worshippers)
  8. church (a particular community of Manichaean worshippers)
  9. church (physical building, "house of God")
  10. church (specific physical building and its congregation)
  11. congregation, assembly, Church (celestial, pre-existent)
  12. church (celestial, pre-existent; of the first-born)
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