Form | Dial. | Form ID | POS | Attestation | |||
ⲣⲡⲕⲉ- | S | CF3444 | Vb. Kompositverb | ||||
ⲉⲣⲡⲕⲉ- | B | CF3445 | Vb. Kompositverb |
Scriptorium tag: V
1. | (En) | be, do also |
(Fr) | faire, être aussi | |
(De) | auch . . . tun | |
Bibliography: CD 91b-92a?; KoptHWb 55?; ChLCS 15a? |
cf. ⲉⲓⲣⲉ machen, tun
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
- ⲉⲙⲙⲟⲛ ⲟⲩ ⲡⲉⲧⲟⲩⲛⲁⲁⲓϥ ⲛϫⲉⲛⲏ ⲉⲧϭⲓⲱⲙⲥ ⲉϫⲉⲛⲛⲓⲣⲉϥⲙⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲓⲥϫⲉ ϩⲟⲗⲱⲥ ⲛⲓⲣⲉϥⲙⲱⲟⲩⲧ ⲛⲁⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛⲟⲩ ⲁⲛ ⲓⲉ ⲉⲑⲃⲉⲟⲩ ⲥⲉⲉⲣⲡⲕⲉϭⲓⲱⲙⲥ ⲉϩⲣⲏⲓ ⲉϫⲱⲟⲩ . Or else what will they do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead aren't raised at all, why then are they baptized for the dead? Bohairic 1 Corinthians 15 (Digital Edition) (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:15)ϫⲉⲓⲥϫⲉ ⲁⲓϯⲙⲕⲁϩ ⲛⲱⲧⲉⲛ ϧⲉⲛϯⲉⲡⲓⲥⲧⲟⲗⲏ ⲛϯⲟⲩⲱⲙ ⲛϩⲑⲏⲓ ⲁⲛ ⲓⲥϫⲉ ⲛⲁⲓⲉⲣⲡⲕⲉⲟⲩⲱⲙ ⲛϩⲑⲏⲓ ⲡⲉ ϯⲛⲁⲩ ⲅⲁⲣ ϫⲉϯⲉⲡⲓⲥⲧⲟⲗⲏ ⲉⲧⲉⲙⲙⲁⲩ ϫⲉⲓⲥϫⲉ ⲁⲥϯⲙⲕⲁϩ ⲛϩⲏ ⲧⲛⲱⲧⲉⲛ ⲡⲣⲟⲥ ⲟⲩⲕⲟⲩϫⲓ For though I made you sorry with my letter, I do not regret it, though I did regret it. For I see that my letter made you sorry, though just for a while. 08_II Corinthians_07 (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.2cor.bohairic:07)ⲡⲁⲩⲗⲟⲥ ⲇⲉ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ ϫⲉⲉⲧⲁⲩϩⲓⲟⲩⲓ ⲉⲣⲟⲛ ⲛⲇⲏⲙⲟⲥⲓⲁ ⲉⲁⲛⲟⲛ ϩⲁⲛⲣⲱⲙⲓ ⲛⲣⲱⲙⲉⲟⲥ ⲛⲧⲉⲛⲉⲣⲡⲕⲉϩⲱⲟⲩⲓ ⲙⲡϩⲁⲡ ⲁⲛ ⲁⲩϩⲓⲧⲧⲉⲛ ⲉⲡϣⲧⲉⲕⲟ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲥⲉϩⲓⲟⲩⲓ ⲙⲙⲟⲛ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲛⲭⲱⲡ ⲙⲙⲟⲛ ⲁⲗⲗⲁ ⲙⲁⲣⲟⲩⲓ ⲛⲑⲱⲟⲩⲓ ⲛⲥⲉⲉⲛⲧⲉⲛ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ . But Paul said to them, 'They have beaten us publicly, without a trial, men who are Romans, and have cast us into prison! Do they now release us secretly? No, most certainly, but let them come themselves and bring us out!' 05_Acts_16 (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.acts.bohairic:16)
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