You searched for 'ⲥⲱⲣ'
3 Results
scatter, spread (esp. of sun's light)
  1. savior, giver of salvation
  2. Savior (epithet for Jesus of Nazareth)
  3. Savior (inverted attributive, nominal referent; epithet for Jesus of Nazareth)
  4. savior (epithet for God the Father)
  5. savior (benevolent celestial being; an aeon)
  6. savior (benevolent celestial being; inverted attributive; nominal referent)
  7. savior (benevolent celestial being; heavenly prototype of the terrestrial savior, Jesus of Nazareth)
  8. savior (inverted attributive, nominal referent; referent: benevolent celestial being; heavenly prototype of the terrestrial savior, Jesus of Nazareth)
  9. savior, preserver from disease/hurt
  10. Sotêr (title applied to rulers, e.g. Ptolemy)
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