Scriptorium tag: V
1. | (En) | appeal, make application (ⲛ- of person, to whom) |
(Fr) | s'adresser à qn. (ⲛ-) | |
(De) | sich an jmd. wenden, jmd. anrufen (ⲛ- Person, an die man sich wendet) | |
Bibliography: CD 336b?; CED 152?-153; KoptHWb 186?; DELC 189?; ChLCS 48a? |
Descended from Demotic smj, Hieroglyphic Egyptian smj to report; to complain; see TLA: [Demotic] [Hieroglyphic Egyptian]
cf. C3509 voice, sound
cf. C3509 voice, sound
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
- ⲉϣϫⲉ ⲉⲣϣⲁⲛⲟⲩϩⲙϩⲁⲗ ⲥⲟϣⲕ ⲙⲉⲕϩⲓⲟⲩⲉ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲁⲗⲗⲁ ϣⲁⲕⲥⲙⲙⲉ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲙⲡⲉϥϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ · If a servant were to treat thee with insolence thou wouldst not thyself beat him, but wouldst make an accusation against him to his master. On Penitence and Abstinence, part 1 (urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:1-119)ⲉⲧⲃⲉⲡⲁⲓ ⲟⲛ ⲟⲩⲛϭⲟⲙ ⲙⲙⲟϥ ⲉⲧⲟⲩϫⲟ ⲛⲟⲩⲟⲉⲓϣ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲛⲛⲉⲧⲛⲁϯⲡⲉⲩⲟⲩⲟⲓ ⲉⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲓⲧⲟⲟⲧϥ . ⲉϥⲟⲛϩ ⲛⲟⲩⲟⲉⲓϣ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲉϥⲥⲙⲙⲉ ϩⲁⲣⲟⲟⲩ . Therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, seeing that he lives forever to make intercession for them. 58_Hebrews_7 (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.heb.sahidica:7)ⲡⲁⲓ ⲛⲧⲉⲣⲓⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲉⲧϩⲓⲉⲣⲟⲩⲥⲁⲗⲏⲙ . ⲁⲩⲥⲙⲙⲉ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲛⲁⲓ ⲛϭⲓⲛⲁⲣⲭⲓⲉⲣⲉⲩⲥ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲉⲡⲣⲉⲥⲃⲩⲧⲉⲣⲟⲥ ⲛⲛⲓⲟⲩⲇⲁⲓ . ⲉⲩⲁⲓⲧⲉⲓ ⲙⲙⲟϥ ⲉⲙⲟⲟⲩⲧϥ . about whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me, asking for a sentence against him. 44_Acts of the Apostles_25 (urn:cts:copticLit:nt.acts.sahidica:25)
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