Scriptorium tag: V
1. | (En) | embrace |
(Fr) | embrasser | |
(De) | umarmen | |
ref: περιλαμβάνειν, ἅπτεσθαι Bibliography: CD 7b?; KoptHWb 6, 485?; DELC 9? |
Descended from Demotic NA, Hieroglyphic Egyptian knm to wrap in; see TLA: [Demotic] [Hieroglyphic Egyptian]
semitisches Lehnwort?cf. C1887 clasp, embrace
semitisches Lehnwort?cf. C1887 clasp, embrace
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
- ⲁⲥϣⲱⲡⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲧⲁϥⲥⲱⲧⲉⲙ ⲛϫⲉⲗⲁⲃⲁⲛ ⲉⲫⲣⲁⲛ ⲛⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃ ⲡϣⲏⲣⲓ ⲛⲧⲉϥⲥⲱⲛⲓ ⲁϥϭⲟϫⲓ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲉϩⲣⲁϥ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁϥⲁⲙⲁⲗⲏϫ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲁϥϯⲫⲓ ⲉⲣⲱϥ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁϥⲉⲛϥ ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲡⲉϥⲏⲓ ⲁϥⲥⲁϫⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲛϫⲉⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃ ⲛⲛⲁⲓⲥⲁϫⲓ ⲧⲏⲣⲟⲩ ϧⲁⲧⲉⲛⲗⲁⲃⲁⲛ And it came to pass when Laban heard the name of Jacob, his sister's son, he ran to meet him, and embraced and kissed him, and brought him into his house; and he told Laban all these sayings. 01_Genesis_29 (urn:cts:copticLit:ot.gen.bohairic_ed:29)ⲛⲉ ⲁⲩϩⲣⲟϣ ⲇⲉ ⲡⲉ ⲛϫⲉⲛⲉⲛⲃⲁⲗ ⲛⲓⲁⲕⲱⲃ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϧⲉⲛϯⲙⲉⲧϧⲉⲗⲗⲟ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲛⲁϥϫⲉⲙϫⲟⲙ ⲛⲛⲁⲩ ⲙⲃⲟⲗ ⲁⲛ ⲡⲉ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁϥⲑⲣⲟⲩϧⲱⲛⲧ ⲉⲣⲟϥ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁϥϯⲫⲓ ⲉⲣⲱⲟⲩ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲁϥⲁⲙⲁⲗⲏϫ ⲉⲣⲱⲟⲩ Now the eyes of Israel were dim through age, and he could not see; and he brought them near to him, and he kissed them, and embraced them. 01_Genesis_48 (urn:cts:copticLit:ot.gen.bohairic_ed:48)
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