Scriptorium tag: N
1. | (En) | dowry |
(Fr) | dot, trousseau | |
(De) | Mitgift, Aussteuer | |
Bibliography: CD 832a?; CED 337?; KoptHWb 467?; DELC 347b?; ChLCS 109b? |
Descended from Demotic grg.t, Hieroglyphic Egyptian grg.t dowry; see TLA: [Demotic] [Hieroglyphic Egyptian]
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
- ⲉϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲇⲉ ⲉϥϣⲁⲛⲧⲙⲣϩⲛⲁϥ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛϥⲧⲙⲟⲩⲱϣ ⲛϭⲓⲡⲉⲥⲉⲓⲱⲧ ⲉⲧⲁⲁⲥ ⲛⲁϥ ⲛⲥϩⲓⲙⲉ ⲉϥⲉϯ ⲛⲟⲩϩⲁⲧ ⲙⲡⲉⲥⲉⲓⲱⲧ ⲉⲡϣⲁⲩ ⲛⲧⲉϭⲣⲏϭⲉ ⲛⲙⲡⲁⲣⲑⲉⲛⲟⲥ And if any one deceive a virgin that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her for a wife to himself. 02_Exodus_22 (urn:cts:copticLit:ot.exod.coptot:22)ⲁⲩⲱ ⲙⲡⲉⲉⲫⲣⲁⲓⲙ ⲧⲁⲕⲟ ⲙⲡⲉⲭⲁⲛⲁⲛⲁⲓⲟⲥ ⲡⲉⲧⲟⲩⲏϩ ϩⲛⲅⲁⲍⲉⲣ ⲁϥⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲙⲛⲉⲫⲣⲁⲓⲙ ϣⲁϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲉⲡϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲛϩⲟⲟⲩ ϣⲁⲛⲧϥⲉⲓ ⲉϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲛϭⲓⲫⲁⲣⲁⲱ ⲡⲣⲣⲟ ⲛⲕⲏⲙⲉ ⲛϥϫⲓⲧⲥ ⲛϥⲣⲟⲕϩⲥ ϩⲛⲟⲩⲥⲁⲧⲉ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲉⲭⲁⲛⲁⲛⲁⲓⲟⲥ ⲙⲛⲛⲉⲫⲉⲣⲉⲍⲁⲓⲟⲥ ⲛⲉⲧⲟⲩⲏϩ ϩⲛⲅⲁⲍⲉⲣ ⲁϥⲧⲁⲕⲟⲟⲩ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲁϥⲧⲁⲁⲥ ⲛϭⲓⲫⲁⲣⲁⲱ ⲛϭⲣⲏϭⲉ ⲛⲧⲉϥϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ And Ephraim did not destroy the Chananite who dwelt in Gazer; and the Chananite dwelt in Ephraim until this day, until Pharao the king of Egypt went up and took it, and burnt it with fire; and the Chananites, and Pherezites, and the dwellers in Gaza they destroyed, and Pharao gave them for a dowry to his daughter. 06_Joshua_16 (urn:cts:copticLit:ot.josh.coptot:16)ⲉϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲇⲉ ⲉⲣϣⲁⲛⲟⲩⲁ ⲣϩⲁ ⲛⲟⲩⲡⲁⲣⲑⲉⲛⲟⲥ ⲉⲙⲡⲟⲩϣⲡⲧⲟⲟⲧⲥ ⲛϥϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲛⲙⲙⲁⲥ ⲉϥⲉϯ ⲛⲧⲉⲥϭⲣⲏϭⲉ ⲛⲥϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲛⲁϥ ⲛⲥϩⲓⲙⲉ But if the owner be with it, he shall not make compensation: but if it be a hired thing, there shall be a compensation to him instead of his hire. 02_Exodus_22 (urn:cts:copticLit:ot.exod.coptot:22)
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