FormDial.Form IDPOS Attestation
ⲁϩⲣⲟ⸗SCF1266Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁϩⲣⲟ⸗KCF1267Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁϧⲟ⸗BCF1271Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁϩⲁ⸗FCF1272Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁϩⲣⲁ⸗LCF1268Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁϩⲣⲁ⸗MCF1269Pron. Fragepronomen
ⲁⳉⲣⲁ⸗ACF1270Pron. Fragepronomen
Scriptorium tag: PINT
 1. (En) what? why?
(Fr) qu'est-ce que? pourquoi?
(De) was? warum?
ref: τί, ἵνα τί Bibliography: CD 25ab?; CED 19?; KoptHWb 18, 491?; DELC 22?-23; ChLCS 6b?
Example usage: (automatically extracted, use with caution and report bad examples)
  • ϫⲉⲁϩⲣⲟ ⲁⲛⲟⲕ ⲙⲛⲣⲱⲙⲉ . “What do I have to do with this man?” Apophthegmata Patrum Sahidic 003: Anonymous Nau 138 (urn:cts:copticLit:ap.3.monbeg)
  • ⲁⲩⲱ ⲁϩⲣⲟ ⲉⲓⲧⲁϣⲟ ⲙⲡϣⲁϫⲉ · And why should I multiply words? Proclus Homily 13 on Easter in Budge ed. (urn:cts:copticLit:proclus.homily13.budge)
  • ⲁϩⲣⲟϥ ⲁϥϫⲟⲟⲥ ⲛϭⲓⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲓⲧⲟⲟⲧⲟⲩ ⲛⲛⲉϥⲡⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ Why did the Lord God say through His saints: Acephalous 22: YA 421-28 (urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258)

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Please cite as: TLA lemma no. C299 (ⲁϩⲣⲟ⸗), in: Coptic Dictionary Online, ed. by the Koptische/Coptic Electronic Language and Literature International Alliance (KELLIA), (accessed yyyy-mm-dd).
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